Saturday, November 3, 2012


Welcome to my new blog.

I am Sarah. At 28, I am mother to Christopher (9), Jacob (nearly 8), Emma (5) and Michael (18m). I am also wife to my husband Patrick. Together for nearly 11 years, married for 6.

I became a mom at 18. A role I actually never thought I'd fill. I came into this with limited knowledge. I believed that there was one way of doing this and "that's just what you do." I soon learned that I was not happy with this "one way" system. Reading other women and moms at my original internet journaling community introduced me to the "crunchy" world of breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding, babywearing, attachment parenting and other such things.

I found this lifestyle much more comfortable than the mainstream that everyone else around me seemed to be following. But I wouldn't even KNOW about it if someone hadn't written and talked about it.

I gave birth with no control because I didn't know any different. I CIO'd because I didn't know any different. I started rice cereal at 3 months because I didn't know  any different. I gave up breastfeeding because I didn't know any different. I circumcised because I didn't know any different.

You get the point.

When you know better, you do better. And so many seem to be stuck in the mindset that there is "one way" to do things and that is the way it's "always been done." What parents need to know is they have CHOICES. They have OPTIONS. They have the RIGHT to make choices that FIT their family.

Parenthood is a journey that is filled with hard questions and even harder answers. The best we can do is learn everything we can about everything we're doing.

There is no harm in learning...there IS harm in following blindly.

Carry on.

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